December 10, 2023: Fall: A Time of Gathering and Collecting

December 10, 2023: Fall: A Time of Gathering and Collecting

daVinci Art Science Walks - December 10, 2023, 1 - 2 pm

Fall: A Time of Gathering and Collecting

December 10, 2023, 1 – 2 pm –

Fall: A Time of Gathering and Collecting

DCLT’s Tobey West, 272 Route 6A, Dennis Village (careful parking!).

A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). With fall comes the magic of change. As we walk through the woods, we will collect objects from nature that symbolize the change we are experiencing around us. We will learn to record visually and in words as well as press objects into the pages of our journal to discover during the coming winter.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email

November 12, 2023: Using the Written Word: Exploring Nature Through Writing and Poetry

November 12, 2023: Using the Written Word: Exploring Nature Through Writing and Poetry

daVinci Art Science Walks - November 12, 2023, 1 - 2 pm

Using the Written Word: Exploring Nature Through Writing and Poetry

November 12, 2023, 1 – 2 pm –

Using the Written Word: Exploring Nature Through Writing and Poetry

Town’s Coles Pond Overlook at Crowes Pasture (a bit of a walk from parking area, but worth the views!)

A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). In this workshop you will explore how to create word pictures in prose and poetry. We will create simple ideas about what we are seeing and attempt to refine the written words into lasting images that we can combine with our drawings and objects in our journals. We will learn the power of writing regularly as a means of capturing the essence of who we are in the world around us.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email

October 22, 2023: Through the Lens

October 22, 2023: Through the Lens

daVinci Art Science Walks - October 22, 2023, 1 - 2 pm

Through the Lens

October 22, 2023, 1 – 2 pm –

Through the Lens

DCLT’s New Headquarters,
107 Sesuit Neck Road in East Dennis

A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). In this interactive walk we will make and use our own paper microscopes. Each participant will receive a Foldscope. Foldscope is a paper microscope that combines low-cost affordable materials with precision optics to create inexpensive microscopes. The microscope is waterproof and opens the micro world to all participants. Come build and see what you have been missing in this family-oriented workshop. 

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is $5 to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $15 donation for nonmembers. Fee includes a Foldscope for each registrant.

 To register, email

October 15, 2023: The Zen of Nature: Slowing Down

October 15, 2023: The Zen of Nature: Slowing Down

daVinci Art Science Walks - October 15, 2023, 1 - 2 pm

The Zen of Nature: Slowing Down

October 15, 2023, 1 – 2 pm – The Zen of Nature: Slowing Down

DCLT’s Fresh Pond South, parking at the cemetery, 226 Main Street, South Dennis

A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). Making space and time to slow down is so important to our own health and well-being. During this workshop we will learn ways to slow down through journaling while in nature. We will bath ourselves in nature and reflect on a given place over time. How was it formed? What lives there? What makes it special? Why do things look different in this place compared to others? We will explore how we are feeling throughout the experience and see what changes happen to us as a result of taking the time to slow down.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email

October 1, 2023: Ahoy Matey: Returning to a Rich Tradition

October 1, 2023: Ahoy Matey: Returning to a Rich Tradition

daVinci Art Science Walks - October 1, 2023, 1 - 2 pm

Ahoy Matey: Returning to a Rich Tradition

October 1, 2023, 1 – 2 pm – Ahoy Matey: Returning to a Rich Tradition

Town’s Wilbur Preserve, 79 Short Neck Drive, South Dennis (on Bass River).
A joint program of the daVinci Pursuit and the Dennis Conservation Land Trust (DLCT). In this workshop we will explore the natural world around us through a new and beautiful lens. Historically, sea captains have kept logs (just another form of a nature journal) noting weather conditions, stars and planets, animal life in and above the sea, human behavior, and other strange encounters on their long voyages. We will take a journey back into time and try our own nature journaling skills near the waters on the Cape. Bring your inner sea captain and join us with your journal as we explore the past.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email

June 25th: Journaling with Watercolors

June 25th: Journaling with Watercolors

Journaling with Watercolors

June 25th: Journaling with Watercolors

Join us for a journaling walk on Sunday, June 25, 2023 from 1 to 2:30 pm est.

The Dennis Conservation Land Trust will team up with the daVinci Pursuit to host its fifth art and science walk in our new monthly walk series called “Seeing with your hands.”

This walk – “Journaling with Watercolors” – is scheduled for 1 PM on Sunday, June 25th.

Participants will need to bring journals and pens, pencils, watercolors, colored pencils, or whatever they want to work with.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link in bio), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.


To register, email