daVinci Art Science Walks - Sunday, June 1st, 1-3:00 pm

Fairy Signs Hike: Uncovering Whimsical Signs of Fairy Presence

Sunday, June 1st, 1-3:00 pm

Fairy Signs Hike: Uncovering Whimsical Signs of Fairy Presence

“Join artist and scientist Mark Kesling for casual, guided strolls through our town’s nature trails. Observe something new while expressing your observations through your chosen artistic medium – sketch, journal, paint, photograph, or sculpt. Share your work with one another, and together, see nature in a new light.”


Flax Pond Conservation Area, Dennis


Step into a world of enchantment with our Fairy Signs Hike, where we venture into the heart of nature to uncover the whimsical signs of fairy presence. Perfect for families, children, and those young at heart, this hike invites you to unleash your imagination as you explore the magical aspects of the natural world. Pon our hike, participants will be encouraged to look for subtle hints that fairies might be nearby. From delicate flower arrangements and tiny, perfectly crafted decorations found on tree branches to shimmering spots of light filtering through leaves, the trail will be filled with opportunities to tap into the spirit of magic. As we share stories of fairy folklore and legends from various cultures, participants will be encouraged to let their imagination run wild, fostering a sense of wonder and creativity. The Fairy Signs Hike is not only a journey into nature but a reminder of the magic that exists in our world.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link below), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email info@dennisconservationlandtrust.org