daVinci Art Science Walks - Sunday, May 4th, 1-3:00 pm

Shapes in Nature Hike: Finding Unique and Fascinating Shapes in Nature

Sunday, May 4th, 1-3:00 pm

Shapes in Nature Hike: Finding Unique and Fascinating Shapes in Nature

“Join artist and scientist Mark Kesling for casual, guided strolls through our town’s nature trails. Observe something new while expressing your observations through your chosen artistic medium – sketch, journal, paint, photograph, or sculpt. Share your work with one another, and together, see nature in a new light.”


Crowes Pasture Conservation Area, East Dennis


Join us on a captivating Shapes in Nature Hike, where we embark on an adventure to discover the unique and fascinating shapes that abound in the natural world. This hike is designed for all ages and skill levels, and it encourages participants to engage their senses and think creatively as they explore the environment. As we wander through diverse terrains—be it dense forests, open fields, or along scenic waterways—participants will be guided to observe and identify various natural shapes and patterns. From the spirals of shells and the geometric arrangements of leaves to the curves of riverbanks and the angular formations of rocks, the landscape is a canvas of shapes waiting to be appreciated. The Shapes in Nature Hike is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the natural world, awaken your creativity, and inspire a newfound appreciation for the intricate designs that exist all around us.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link below), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email info@dennisconservationlandtrust.org