daVinci Art Science Walks - Sunday, April 6th, 1-3:00 pm

Un-Nature Hike: Finding Unnatural Things in Natural Spaces

Sunday, April 6th, 1-3:00 pm

Un-Nature Hike: Finding Unnatural Things in Natural Spaces

“Join artist and scientist Mark Kesling for casual, guided strolls through our town’s nature trails. Observe something new while expressing your observations through your chosen artistic medium – sketch, journal, paint, photograph, or sculpt. Share your work with one another, and together, see nature in a new light.”


Indian Lands Conservation Area, South Dennis


The Un-Nature Hike invites participants to embark on a unique exploration of the environment from a fresh perspective. Rather than focusing solely on the beauty and serenity of nature, this hike encourages participants to seek out the remnants and influences of human activity within natural spaces. As we hike, we will be tasked with spotting various “unnatural” elements that disrupt the harmony of the landscape. These may include litter, man-made structures, invasive plant species, or even sounds of civilization, such as distant traffic or construction. Along the way, participants will document their findings with photographs or notes, contributing to a collective art piece or report at the conclusion of the hike. Whether through observation, reflection, or action, this hike is an opportunity to see nature not just as a backdrop, but as a living system impacted by human choices.

Please contact us to reserve your spot, or stay tuned for more walks to come!

Participation is free to DCLT Members (join by visiting our website/ link below), with a $10 suggested donation for nonmembers.

 To register, email info@dennisconservationlandtrust.org